image of charlee pilgrim


  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Dreamweaver
  • Illustator
  • Photoshop
  • Indesign
  • After Effects
  • Drums and Ukulele


  1. Have you taken Dreamweaver 1, and when?
    Yes. Last quarter, winter 2013.
  2. When was the last time you hand coded HTML and CSS?
    I did a little bit last quarter in Dreamweaver, otherwise, Fall Quarter 2012.
  3. What was it that you coded?
    A website about ukuleles, but I never published it.
  4. What do you prefer Dreamweaver or hand coding? Why is this your preference?
    I prefer hand coding because I don't feel that Dreamweaver is as intuitive as other Adobe products.
  5. Have you worked with CMS systems before? Which one(s)?
  6. Why are you taking this class?
    It's required for my program. I would Like to more about web desing, also.
  7. Rate your HTML skills from 1 to 10. 1 being just started HTML and 10 being I am a guru
    5. I'm at an intermediate level but I need more experience.
  8. Rate your CSS skills from 1 to 10. 1 being just started CSS and 10 being I am a guru
    5. Same reason as above.
  9. This is an online class, and largely driven by your pace. However deadlines are deadlines. How will you cope with the work load, what will you do to keep on top of it all?
    I am pretty self motivated, although I have been known to procrastinate on occasion. I get my work done, even if it means pulling an all nighter to do it(rarely happens).
  10. What are you hoping to learn from this class?
    Mostly just to improve my overall webdesign skills and find tools for improving workflow.